Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Latest on Storm Legion

***Before you begin reading, know that this post contains massive spoilers for the expansion.***

Oh expansion time!  How I love thee!  Expansions can breathe new life into a decaying setting.  They can even clean the slate and provide a fresh start.  However, in the case of Storm Legion, Trion is doing neither.  Instead, they're taking a product happily situated at 8 on a scale of 1 to 10 and notching it up to 13 on that same scale.  And with any expansion, there's always the build-up.  Ah ,yes, the build-up: the steady line of information that paces our jubilation that if done without would result in a collective explosion of heads.

Today, Gamespot has loosed a video packed full of intriguing insights and amazing announcements regarding Storm Legion.  And if the alliteration wasn't enough to make it obvious, let it be clear that this is not just another video about known, stale information.  Rather, Gamespot has provided quite a bit of completely new information to whet our appetites.  You can find the video here.

So what did we learn today?  Quite a lot, actually!  Here's a laundry list of every revelation provided.  Do note I am purposely omitting what I consider to be stale information we were already aware of.
  • Geography
    • 11 New zones
    • A new zone called Morban which is very "dark" and "deathly".  The trees and monster models were particularly impressive.
    • A new zone called Seratos which is a life-based land that has been recently taken over by the plane of death.  In particular, they visited a very gloomy area called "The Pus Swamp".
  • Raiding and Dungeons
    • A new sliver (10m raid instance)
    • A world boss where you are standing on floating platforms the boss will try to knock you off of.  A jump puzzle is present to get you back up to the platforms should you fall.
    • New Dungeon: Unhallowed Boneforge featuring amazing monster models and a "disgusting, frightening" theme of flesh-born constructs and bone.
    • The Regulos raid features pulsating, corridors and walls of flesh.  You will also fight Kain (the zone event boss from Stillmoor) in his reanimated and "ultimate" (huge and grotesque) form.
  • PvP
    • New Conquest maps (note the 's' for plurality)
    • A brand new Warfront and new modes for many existing Warfronts
  • Dimensions
    • Multi-selection of world object available
    • Items will come from almost anywhere in game but crafting will play a huge role
    • Full addon support with XML hooks to do a wide array of interesting things.  One specific example the speaker noted was that he had already seen addons in play that make mathematical models of dimensional objects and allow you to recreate those exact objects in any dimension so long as you have the necessary items in your inventory.
    • Guild quest master in your dimensions
    • Bartenders and other NPCs
    • Minigames are in the works
    • Combat in dimensions is disabled at the moment while Trion tests the load dimensions put on the servers but the plan is to eventually remove this restriction
    • Golem Foundry dungeon slated to be a guild dimension
  • Guilds 
    • Now cap at level 25
  • Miscellaneous
    • All new music across the entire expansion and just the few songs I heard during the video were AMAZING
    • The infinity gate unlocks access to the planes and Trion is already planning their next expansion.  This next expansion will (he hinted at this) focus on taking the fight into the planes themselves.
Quite honestly, the first thing that comes to mind upon reading through the list and considering what we already know about Storm Legion is a blatantly cliche "holy shit...".  I spent 7 years of my life in Azeroth hanging by every thread of information revealed for World of Warcraft's many expansions yet Storm Legion already makes each of them look trivial by comparison.  I've already taken the 12th, 13th and 14th off of work for vacation but it would seem I may consider dropping from 15th from my work calendar as well.

A Word About Rogues and Energy Starvation

The argument itself seems ancient yet here we are in 2012 beating the proverbial dead horse with a piece of its own skeletal remains.  As the peaks of an oncoming storm materialize on the horizon, Rogues around Telara are gleefully slashing away at the remnants of Infernal Dawn.  Some Rogues are timing plane shifts to maintain 100% uptime of Ruthless Stalker and, even with Anthem of Fervor are seeing dead air from time to time as they halt the rotation to allow their energy to catch up.  Other Rogues are perched at a distance Strafing away with barely a care in the world despite the absence of even Living Energy.  Side how you'd like on the issue at hand but at least admit that one thing is perfectly clear:  energy starvation is not fun.  It is not "fun" when forced to stop what you are doing before being allowed to take more actions.  It is not "fun" having your rhythym disrupted by error messages.  You can argue it's reasonable.  You can argue it's necessary.  But, quite simply, nobody argues that it's fun.

It's therefore my intention with this post to disregard any arguments about "fun" and instead focus on the other aspects of energy starvation.  For example, is it reasonable?  To begin to answer this question, we need to first understand why we have energy in the first place.  First and foremost, energy is a resource which Rogue's spend to perform actions.  Every ability has an energy cost and these costs vary widely.  As an example, however, assume with me for a moment that all Rogue abilities cost 1 energy from a rapidly regenerating pool of 100.  Further, assume that the regeneration rate is 2 energy every 0.75 seconds.  Under this extreme premise, it's obvious that energy starvation is not mathematically possible as it would be required that you work two off-GCD cooldowns into your "rotation" between every two abilities you use for 99 consecutive GCDs.  Given the small subset of off-GCD cooldowns available to any Rogue spec, this is not possible.  So the question follows:  under this example, what use would energy be at all?  Why even have energy?  It's at this point energy would have become nothing more than a pink bar taking up UI space.  I think we can all agree that a scenario such as this is neither realistic nor does it make any sense in a game where all four callings do indeed have a "resource".  Based on this, I would argue that unless we are planning on throwing out the entire concept of "resources" in Rift, some form of resource "management" must exist for each calling.  Yet in the first paragraph we agreed that energy starvation or, stated universally, resource deprivation, is not fun.  So where is the middle ground in this debate?

My argument I plan to support is as follows:

Energy starvation should only come into play when the Rogue deviates from his role's intention or when encountering extraneous circumstances.

In using the word "intention", I'm referring to the most basic design philosophy behind each soul the Rogue is using.  In Storm Legion, this philosophy is referred to as a "gift".  Each soul has a "gift" the describes the intention of that soul.  For example, a soul designed for DPS will have the gift of "1% damage increase per point spent in the soul".  So take for example the current Ranger build of 51RNG/15MM/0SIN.  All three of these souls have the intention of damage dealing.  More specifically, all three of these souls specialize in single-target damage.  My reasoning, then, is that any single-target, damaging abilities performed from any of these three souls should never result in energy starvation.  As another example, consider the AoE DPS soul of Saboteur.  By the aforementioned logic, any AoE damaging abilities performed from the Saboteur soul should never result in energy starvation.  As one last example, consider the tanking soul of Riftstalker and... hopefully you get the picture.

In actuality, the above examples and reasoning are merely stepping stones en route to my larger point:  so long as the abilities you are using are consistent with the intentions of the souls they come from, energy starvation should be off the table.

We did say, however, that the initial scenario where energy starvation was mathematically removed from possibility was nonsensical and unrealistic.  So when should energy starvation be a valid concern?  My belief is that energy starvation should come into play when the Rogue uses abilities that deviate from intentions of the souls they come from.  As an example, Static Shot can be found in the Marksman soul - a soul designed for single-target DPS - yet it's effect is not one of single-target damage.  Rather it is a utility available to Marksmen allowing them to root their target in place.  Likewise, Fanout is a Marksman ability enabling the Rogue to pump out some AoE damage when needed.  However, like Static Shot, Fanout is not central to the design philosophy of single-target damage for the Marksman soul.  It is my belief that using such abilities should bring energy starvation to the table for Marksman Rogues.

So take this reasoning and pass it around to each of the souls.  What results is a clear philosophy wherein abilities that are consistent with their soul's intention are designed with the preventions of energy starvation in mind while those abilities that are available from the soul but not consistent with the soul's core purpose may cause it.  Stated plainly, if I'm going through my single target Marksman rotation on Warboss Drakk but need to Eradicate three times to remove his buff, I should expect a brief period of energy starvation as a result for that choice of utility over the soul's primary intention (As a side note, I find the 1.11 change of a 5s CD on Eradicate to be the wrong way of going about things.  Rather, I feel Eradicate should simply have its energy cost increased drastically such that spamming it is impossible).  Likewise, if I'm pumping single-target Ranger damage into Laethys but need to spam Trick Shot and use Consussive Blast when the adds are brought in, I should expect a brief energy deficiency.  The obvious should also be stated: there are mechanics available to various soul's in Rift that are intended to starve Rogues of energy.  Their use should absolutely come with the desired effect.

In closing, energy starvation should never be an issue when a Rogue is simply fulfilling their spec's primary objectives.  Energy starvation should only come into play when the Rogue chooses to step outside the prescribed intention for his respective souls or when extraneous circumstances, such as another player using an energy-draining/hindering ability, cause it to occur.  There is nothing "fun" about energy starvation but without energy as a limiting resource in some regard, its existence is entirely unnecessary.  What are your thoughts on Rogue energy?  Do you agree with me or do you take issue with some of my points?  Let me know in the comments below or on the official Rift forums!

Synovia's Pre-Storm Legion Quality of Life Wish List

Greetings, all!  Synovia here and, after a modest hiatus from being able to type effectively due to a broken arm, I'm now back and fired up for Storm Legion!  Rift has come a long way and with Storm Legion, I can say with both confidence and first-hand experience that's it's going even further.  Although I can't talk about specifics of the last beta because, like anyone that participated I'm under NDA, I can tell you that there is much to look forward to.  The zones are huge.  The new city is amazing.  Dimensions are ridiculously cool and the new souls are absolutely fantastic.  Rest assured we're all in for a serious treat come November 13, 2012.

With that said, I'm afraid I can't go into any further detail at this time so I'd like to switch gears.  Instead of talking about what's to come, I'd like to discuss the present and, in particular, offer a wish list for simple, quality of life changes I would absolutely love to see in Rift before Storm Legion hits store shelves.  I'm going to offer these up in a simple list format so feel free to add to the list yourself should you see something missing that you'd really like!
  1. Auto-sort Checkbox.  Please make this checkbox persist between sessions.  I use this feature a lot and I also log in and out of the game a lot.  It's very annoying to have the check it every time.
  2. Auto-sort for Bank.  It's a great feature for the player inventory so let's extend it to the bank as well.  Adding it to the guild bank could also be a plus.
  3. Automatic Deposit of Crafting Items.  Guild Wars 2 allows you to automatically deposit any crafting items in your personal inventory directly to your bank from anywhere in the world.  This is an amazing feature I'd love to see in Rift.
  4. Default to First AH Item. When using the AH, it's very common that I'm buying multiple auctions.  For example, I might be buying Exquisite Whetstones or Heroic Powersurge Vials to stock up for raids.  Currently, when you buyout any auction, your "selection" goes away and you have to click the next auction you want to buyout before being able to do so.  Please automatically select the next auction in the list for us.  In many cases it will save a click.
  5. Loop Music. This one has been asked for countless times in the past so what's one more attempt?  Rift has some great music but, unfortunately, you rarely get to hear it as it is cut up and split about into snippets.  Only a few examples exist where we actually get to  hear a full song so I'd like a loop music interface option that allows the music to play continuously.
  6. Soul Tree Unlock.  This idea was proposed on the Rift forums here.  Essentially, allow trainers to enable us to "unlock" the soul trees to play around with the points without having to untrain all souls and start from scratch.  The desire for this undoubtedly comes from the regularity with which we all adjust our builds only slightly.
  7. Remove Falling Damage in Conquest.  How fun would it be if you could leap from cliffs without the threat of death?  How much quicker would battles appear in Stillmoor if you could ride a relatively straight line to your destination instead of having to trek a mile off the beaten path?  Many complain that Conquest isn't even PvP so let's get the fighting started sooner rather than later.
  8. Reward 2-3 Unseen/Eye Notoriety per Honorable Kill in Warfronts.  This, to me, is a no-brainer.  I've been a long-time advocate of the reduction in tedious grinds in Rift and ever since PvP Rifts went the way of the normal dungeon, the treadmill for this particular notoriety has been particularly painful.
I debated about waiting to publish this post in the interest of adding more to the above list but, given the timing, I feel it's appropriate.  What are your thoughts on these 8 items and what simple enhancements would you want in Rift before Storm Legion?  You can respond in the comments below or in the official thread on the Rift forums.